CES Vidya Utsav 2023

The Child Education Society organised the FIRST EDITION of ‘VIDYA UTSAV’ at kamani Auditorium , New Delhi on 01 February 2023. Conceptualized as an annual event, this unique initiative aims to celebrate the triumphs of the dynamic odyssey of the Child Education Society, felicitate its distinguished alumni , and yet again reinforce its vision and mission. The keynote speaker for the day , Sh. Gaur Gopal Das , lifestyle coach, and motivational speaker enlightened the audience regarding ‘Global Education rooted in Indian Values and culture.’ The august gathering saw many eminent guests and alumni members gracing the occasion . At the end of the programme, a vote of thanks , was proposed by Mr.L V Sehgal, Joint Secretary , CES and principal of Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg, New Delhi.