Let’s Have A Conversation


In recognizing the indispensable roles of both teachers and parents in a child’s educational journey, Bal Bharati Schools prioritize collaboration as a cornerstone of our approach. We believe that each stakeholder contributes invaluable insights and perspectives essential for the holistic growth of our students. By fostering open communication channels, encouraging mutual respect for expertise, and actively involving both teachers and parents in decision-making processes, we create a dynamic environment where everyone’s opinions are valued. Through shared goals, transparent feedback mechanisms, and a commitment to accountability, we strive to ensure that every member of our school community plays an integral role in shaping our policies and practices. Together, we work hand in hand to provide the best possible support for the success and well-being of our students.

As a new initiative , CES has launched a forum of open conversation with parents and teachers on topics that matter to the overall growth of an individual student.

One  topic is chosen every month and opinion of parent community is gathered on the same.

For teachers , a theme for a quarter is announced, wherein they share their individual experiences , pedagogies and teaching methodologies that have been effective in transforming learning.


Let’s Have a conversation with Parents 

Teachers’ Quarterly Platform For sharing Teaching Practices

© 2021 Bal Bharati Public School
Our Schools